Improve Your Life by Optimizing Your States of Being

Mark Stephen Chasan
10 min readNov 10, 2022


The quality of our lives is directly related and proportional to our “States of Being.” Our States of Being are what we experience in our lives at any given moment. By possessing an awareness of our States of Being and engaging in protocols that optimize our States of Being, we can rapidly shift our experience of life to higher levels of being and performance.

When we optimize our States of Being, we increase our ability to more effectively attract, manifest and achieve that which we desire, including love, romance and relationships; health and wellness; money and wealth; freedom and independence; greater joy and happiness; and deeper connection with people, planet, and source.

I have created several protocols to enhance my States of Being. Practicing these protocols takes very little time and has dramatically improved my health, flexibility, balance, ability to manifest, productivity and performance, mood, positivity, inspiration, joy, and connection.

There are 5 primary States of Being that are addressed in this article:

  1. Physical — Consisting of the cellular, sensory, neural, somatic and embodied states of being as they relate to our experience of our internal and external environment.
  2. Mental — Comprising thoughts, beliefs, imagination and subconscious experiences.
  3. Emotional — Containing the full spectrum of emotions, including love, hate, joy, sorrow, fear, courage, anger, and passion. Emotions can be thought of as “energy in motion,” with each emotion having an associated frequency and charge that affects our other states of being.
  4. Energetic — Including life force, energetic awareness, and our relationship with the quantum field, electromagnetic field, auric field, and morphogenetic field, and their associated vibrational frequencies.
  5. Spiritual — Embracing soul consciousness, super-consciousness, Divine connection, oneness and enlightenment.

While each State of Being can be addressed independently, they are interconnected. For example, shifting our physical State of Being from tired to vibrant improves our mental, emotional, and energetic States of Being. Moving our emotional State of Being from constrictive emotional states (e.g., fear, anger, guilt) to expansive emotional states (e.g., love, passion, compassion) also improves all other States of Being.

Likewise, by optimizing our States of Being, we optimize our lives. To help people improve the quality of their lives by enhancing their States of Being, I created a States of Being video, which can be viewed on YouTube for free to provide greater depth of understanding and awareness of our States of Being. This video also includes instruction on 5 Microdoses (30–60 second blasts) to transform and enhance our States of Being and improve our lives. The 5 Microdoses are also provided independently on my YouTube channel for those that just want quick blasts to improve their lives.

Below I am providing a “States of Being Inventory” protocol and instructions on doing the 5 Microdoses that can be used to enhance your States of Being in just a few minutes per day.

States of Being Inventory

The “States of Being Inventory,” given below, provides a protocol to increase our awareness of our States of Being so that, after regular practice, we have the powerful ability to consistently and rapidly optimize our States of Being and improve our lives.

Part 1:

Sit comfortably and center yourself by focusing your breath at the 3rd eye between and slightly above your eyebrows. Breathe fully in a relaxed manner. Take at least 10 conscious deep, and relaxed breaths. Allow your body and mind to relax more deeply with each breath. Become aware of your physical, mental, emotional, energetic and spiritual States of Being. The States of Being Inventory has been divided into the 7 steps described below. Take as much time as you require to fully experience each of the 7 steps. While the States of Being Inventory can be done in less time, it is recommended that at least 2 minutes is given to each of the 7 steps.

  1. What are the thoughts I’m thinking? First, allow yourself to just objectively view your thoughts without judgment. Then ask are my thoughts empowering, disempowering or neutral?
  2. What is my present mental state? Is it clear, aware, distracted or dull?
  3. What sensations am I feeling in my body and where am I feeling them? Are my sensations comfortable and open or constricted, uncomfortable and/or painful? Where in my body am I feeling these sensations? How do my breath and focus clear or enhance these sensations?
  4. What is my energetic state? Is it high, average or low? How do my breath, thoughts, and emotions affect my energetic state?
  5. How is energy moving through my body? Where does it seem slow, constrictive, or blocked? Where do I experience stiffness, discomfort or pain in my body? Where do I feel open, healthy and vital in my body? When I focus on various areas of my body for several moments while continuing to breathe, what thoughts, memories, emotions, or images arise that are associated with that area of my body?
  6. What is my emotional state? (e.g., inspired, empowered, awesome, equanimous, angry, depressed, apathetic)? When I focus on an emotion I’m experiencing, where does it arise from? Is it from memories, current thoughts, or future thoughts? Is it coming from my body, my environment, or through my channeling inputs from other dimensional sources?
  7. What is the vibrational quality of each of my States of Being? What is the frequency and strength of the vibrations I feel when I focus on and experience each State of Being?

After completing the foregoing 7 steps, focus on your breath and third eye for 10 breaths, returning to a space of centeredness and equanimity. Find and hold the space in between your thoughts. If a thought comes up, let it go and return to empty space between your thoughts without any attachment or judgment about your thoughts or the space between them. Take at least 5 minutes to observe any thoughts that may arise without any attachment or judgment and return to the space in between thoughts. If you can hold the space between thoughts for 5 minutes, you have reached a level of mastery most humans never achieve. So, if thoughts arise, just relax, let go of any judgments and “shoulds,” and return to the space between your thoughts.

Part 2:

After 5 minutes of relaxation and focusing on your breath while observing your thoughts, make a mental note of shifts in each of your States of Being and then with open mind and heart, ask the following questions and after asking the questions, be still, patient, and open to hearing/receiving the answers:

  1. Are my thoughts and beliefs empowering the outcomes I desire to create in my life, and if not, what thoughts and beliefs would be most empowering?
  2. Are the emotions I’m experiencing empowering and expansive (e.g., courage, love, joy, inspiration and bliss) or disempowering and constrictive (e.g., apathy, grief, shame or fear)? How can I acknowledge and guide my emotions to being more empowering and expansive?
  3. Is my body feeling open, comfortable, vital, healthy and energized? If not, how can I enhance my energetic and physical states of being to support that which I seek to manifest?
  4. How can I express myself to behave in ways that exponentially increase the manifestation of my dreams? Do my desires only benefit myself or do they create value for people and planet? What specifically is the benefit for people and planet created by my desires?
  5. How can my States of Being optimally function to provide the power and support I need to live the most optimal life and manifest my dreams?

The States of Being Inventory can be done with or without the States of Being Microdoses below. However, I have found doing both exponentiates the positive effects on our States of Being. I recommend doing Part 1 of the States of Being Inventory, followed by the 5 Microdoses below, and then returning to Part 2 of the States of Being Inventory after doing the following 5 Microdoses.

5 Microdoses to Optimize Your States of Being

1. Shake It — A protocol that uses shaking the entire body for 30–60 seconds. While this protocol focuses on optimizing the energetic State of Being, it also enhances all other States of Being.

  • Start by putting a big smile on your face and breathing in and out through your nose.
  • Start shaking your hands, then add your arms, shoulders, and torso.
  • Then shake your feet and add your legs.
  • Next shake your hips, pelvis and buttocks.
  • Your entire body should be shaking ecstatically at this point.
  • Now start dancing around while shaking and intensify the shaking.
  • Keep it up and shake for another 30–60 seconds, or longer if you are so inclined.
  • Build the energy and bring overflowing energy, joy, love and gratitude into your being.

2. Stretch Pose — A fundamental Kundalini protocol that strengthens the core, increases energy flow, detoxes the system, and removes stuck energy.

  • Lay flat on your back. Arms at your side.
  • Raise your feet 6 inches off the ground with straight legs.
  • Raise your arms off the ground with palms in toward your body.
  • Raise your head and look at your toes
  • Do 100 breaths of fire through your nose while maintaining the pose. Breath of fire is similar to a dog panting but done through the nose.

3. Spinal Flex — A core Kundalini protocol for spinal health and flexibility, balancing and opening the chakras, and improving energy flow through the body.

  • Come sitting with your legs crossed. Grab your ankles with arms straight.
  • Inhale through your nose and push your chest out and through your straight arms while pulling the shoulder blades together in back.
  • Exhale and keeping the arms straight, let the stomach and diaphragm collapse, the back round and neck fall forward.
  • Focus on breath — with each inhale, feel the chest, lungs and heart expanding. Feel the pranic energy flowing through and filling the body. With each exhale, eliminate any toxins, blockage, congestion, fear or other limitation. With each in-breath, breathe more deeply and fully. With each out-breath, release more.
  • Increase the tempo of the movement and breath.
  • After about 45–90 seconds, move your hands from your ankles and grab your knees. You will notice more of a mid-back focus from the prior low-back focus.
  • After about 45–90 seconds, grab the shoulders and continue the movement for another 45–90 seconds.

4. Abundance Protocol — A protocol that uses breath and posture to energetically, subconsciously, and somatically attract greater abundance into our lives. The Abundance Protocol focuses on bringing powerful clearing energy into our bodies and releasing non-serving toxins, beliefs, and resistance.

  • While standing with feet hip distance apart, open your arms wide at the chest and inhale deeply and powerfully. Expand your chest. Open your heart. Feel the pranic energy of each breath, filling you with abundant love.
  • Exhale while closing your arms and giving yourself a big hug and lots of love. With each exhale, eliminate fear, pain and blockage, and any trauma that is not serving you.
  • Play with different angles from high to low and diagonally. Start dancing and moving around the room while keeping the opening and heart expansion on the inhale and the release of non-serving beliefs, emotions, resistance and trauma while loving yourself with a big hug on the exhale.
  • Allow your entire being to fill with abundant love and possibility and lovingly release anything not serving you.

5. Infinity Protocol — Using the sacred geometry of the infinity sign, this protocol provides deeper connection with source, increases energy flow, and improves our ability to manifest our desires.

  • Start standing with your feet hip width apart and your hands in front of you with the index fingers pointing away from your body and touching together.
  • Make a horizontal figure 8 starting with the outer edge of the left-hand chopping downward through the zero-point coming up and then the outer edge of the right-hand chopping down.
  • Exhale on the downward motion and inhale on the upward movement.
  • Start exaggerating the figure 8, making it bigger and coming around your back so that your body twists.
  • Reverse the motion and breath, exhaling on the upward motion and inhaling on the downward motion.
  • Start bringing the hips and pelvis into the figure 8. For an extra challenge, stand on one foot while the other foot does a figure 8 and alternate.

Understanding and practicing enhancing our States of Being, gives us the ability to achieve holistic and optimal wellness in our lives. Holistic and optimal wellness goes beyond the physical and mental illness model addressed by traditional western healthcare, largely in the form of diagnostics, pharmaceuticals, radiation, and surgery. Rather than treating humans like mechanical-chemical entities, holistic and optimal wellness addresses the whole person in relationship to the person’s internal and external experience of life. For example, holistic and optimal wellness includes such things our “spiritual” connection with universe/source, our connection with each other and our environment, our ability to optimally access energy and convert it to improving our lives and our world, and our sense of security, fulfillment and abundance.

In my book Living in AWE (Abundance-Wellness-Empowerment), I discuss optimizing our States of Being in greater detail along with many other topics to improve your life and transform the world, including a holistic and integrated protocol for optimal wellness based upon the acronym M.E.D.I.C.I.N.E.

  • Mindfulness, Meditation & Optimized States of Being
  • Exercise & Breath
  • Diet & Nutrition
  • Internal Cleansing & Detoxification
  • Contentment, Calm, Rest, Sleep & Rejuvenation
  • Intimacy, Love & Connection
  • Natural Connection, Environmental & Ecosystemic Thriving
  • Epigenetics & Energetic Activation

The M.E.D.I.C.I.N.E. protocol was designed to help us become optimally well, perform at our highest levels, and radically improve our lives. I will be providing additional articles, videos, content and workshop on M.E.D.I.C.I.N.E. and optimizing our States of Being.

I hope this article has been helpful in providing you with some protocols to improve your life. To be included in my mail list to be notified of workshops, articles, videos and other helpful information, please click here.

Mark Chasan is a lawyer, entrepreneur with a public exit and two M&As, a financial innovator who has participated in over $500 million in financing, and a change agent that supports living-systems innovation and eco-social entrepreneurs to foster the Regenerative Economy.



Mark Stephen Chasan
Mark Stephen Chasan

Written by Mark Stephen Chasan

Mark Chasan is a lawyer, entrepreneur and financial advisor supporting regenerative communities and eco-social entrepreneurs to foster the Regenerative Economy.

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