An Open Letter to Visionaries for Human Advancement and Planetary Thriving
I have been guided by Source to write this open letter to magnetize amazing and awakened visionaries and people to create an exemplary Center for the Advancement of Humankind and Planetary Thriving (the “Center”).
The Center will not be created or built for money, power, control, or ego, but rather for human, planetary and universal thriving guided by Source so that we may deeply connect, love, and nurture each other and our planet.
For me, “Source” is the name I use to represent the whole and infinite energy (life force), consciousness, and physical creation in the entire universe. While I prefer to use “Source” to describe the creator of the infinite, ineffable, and miraculous universe I have been gifted the ability to experience, please use whatever descriptor you prefer, including “God,” “the Creator,” “Jesus,” “Yahweh,” Allah,” “Bhagavan,” or other expression. If you are agnostic or an atheist with a body and self-awareness fueled by energy (life force), then you are living proof of physical creation, consciousness, and energy. In essence, we each are Source experiencing itself subjectively in human form.
I recently had a life-changing experience, where my life was spared through divine dispensation. At the time my life was spared, I was clearly told by Source to humble my ego, quiet my mind, take the backseat, and let Source drive. When I was guided by Source to write this letter, I asked the question, “Why me?” Source said, “Because you’re part of my plan and I asked you to do this.” I followed Source’s guidance of my own free will.
I started thinking about what to say in this open letter and Source said, “I will guide you on what to say in this co-created letter.”
I then put on my habitual legal, finance, and entrepreneurial hats and thought, “For this letter to be successful and have the greatest impact, I need to get some big-name luminaries, celebrities, and billionaires to support this letter, so that everyone will want to jump in and further this vision. We will also need to form the appropriate organization, obtain donations to purchase the land, build the facilities, create the media, and hire employees.”
Source said, “Such action is unneeded. This vision will be realized through my efforts. Doing things in the manner in which you have been conditioned within the current dysfunctional system, will only lead to more dysfunction. So, relying on luminaries, celebrities, and billionaires, and those seeking to participate for egoic reasons such as self-aggrandizement, financial gains, control, or power, will only lead to more dysfunction. You need not concern yourself with how this vision will be fulfilled. Just publish this letter and let those who are guided to participate show up and share this letter with others. This will be orchestrated by and through me in ways that are different than those generally used in the current paradigm. The right people and resources will show up of their own free will and intuitive guidance to openheartedly, abundantly, and generously fulfill this vision to support an exemplary Center that transforms the current dysfunctional mythological system, into a system that fosters the thriving of humankind and Earth.”
The Center will be an exemplary beacon for humankind demonstrating a way of living, being, experiencing deep love and connection, quieting the mind, and following Divine guidance. The Center is also a place of learning, creation, and collaboration as guided by Source. All creations realized in the Center will be devoted to love, the advancement of humankind, and planetary thriving — setting humankind free to create and live in paradise on Earth, realize our soul’s purpose, and fulfill the Divine Plan.
The Center’s creations will include the highest expression of human and planetary wellness, art, philosophy, and living systems innovation including the provision of pure water, nutritious food, safe and secure shelter, clean energy, healthcare, and lifelong learning in abundance without the need for money and with zero waste or pollution. Also, the creation of ethically directed and divinely trained AI and robotics will be utilized to remove human drudgery, so that each human is freed to fully express their soul’s purpose.
We each create our “reality” by converting vibration into our perception and experience of life. In order to improve and transform our world, we need to quiet our minds and follow Divine guidance, as well as develop and apply whole-systems intelligence and consciousness including (1) whole brain (creative, analytical, qualitative, and quantitative thinking), (2) heart (love and emotional intelligence), (3) gut (instinct and natural connection), and (4) spiritual (guidance and intuition).
Rather than using our whole-systems intelligence and consciousness to create our world, we have largely been conditioned to define and control our beliefs, decisions, behavior, and culture using only a fraction of our intelligence — our analytical left brain.
The existing mythological paradigm and its self-perpetuating, dysfunctional, and parasitic, political-economic-social system (“the System”) is largely the result of limited analytical and quantitative left-brain thinking. The System has become an extractive problem-solution-money-making machine that produces a self-reinforcing feedback loop that creates problems and then solves the problems it created with the same tools that created the problems. This leads to ever-increasing problems to solve, resulting in the “printing” of more fiat money, debt, and the extraction of resources and energy from humankind and nature.
The current System has been used to systematically disconnect us from each other, nature, and higher intelligence. This disconnection from each other, nature, and higher intelligence is the root cause of all social dysfunction and has resulted in the perpetuation of such things as fear, mistrust, war, destruction, extraction, corruption, and greed.
For humankind to thrive, we must quiet our minds, open our hearts, humble our egos, learn to be, and allow Source to guide our doing. When our egos take the back seat and we allow Source to drive, the fog of our amnesia will be lifted and each of our soul’s true purpose will be remembered, the Divine Plan revealed, and Source will guide us to unimagined levels of love, trust, connection, gratitude, bliss, abundance, beauty, and awe.
As the “New Earth Paradigm” architected by Divine guidance following universal law, and designed for healing, human evolution, and planetary thriving, replaces the current System, the problems created by the current System will cease to exist. The insecurities and fears that previously plagued humankind such as fear of death, disease, war, suffering, loss of property, insufficiency, and the unknown, will be replaced by a deep sense of love, connection, trust, oneness, beauty, abundance, and bliss, where all life on Earth aligns with the Divine Plan and is supported by Divine Love.
The Center will exist as a place and way for human advancement, planetary thriving, and evolved learning that expands love, connection, peace, unity, beauty, abundance, and bliss in our world.
I’d love to hear from you and, as I’m guided, share how our collaboration can, in alignment with the Divine Plan, positively transform our world.If you envision a world of love, connection, peace, unity, beauty, abundance, and bliss, and have gifts or superpowers to devote to realize the New Earth Paradigm, and want to join a community of aligned collaborators, please click here.
Mark Chasan is a lawyer, entrepreneur with a public exit and two M&As, a financial innovator who has participated in over $500 million in financing, and a change agent that supports living-systems innovation and eco-social entrepreneurs to foster the Regenerative Economy. Mark is also the author of Living in AWE — Abundance, Wellness & Empowerment, a guide to creating a thriving world.